View Scripts Kit Scripts in Script Kit 🤯

View Scripts Kit Scripts in Script Kit 🤯

In today's microsite adventure, I built @johnlindquist's page in Kit.



Bells & Whistles

  • Uses a cache to only fetch files from Github when the local cache files are missing or changed
  • Applies light/dark theme auto-magically
  • Should be fairly easy to extend to support viewing files in other repos / paths


Click for code
// Menu: Kit Scripts
// Description: View + Copy Scripts
// Author: Zach Zeleznick
// Twitter: @zzxiv
const Prism = await npm('prismjs')
const scriptsDB = db("kit-scripts", { scripts: [] });
const scriptsRef = scriptsDB.get("scripts");
const owner = `eggheadio`
const repo = ``
const branch = `main`
const author = `johnlindquist`
const treepath = `public/scripts/${author}`
const ref = `${branch}:${treepath}`
const githubURL = "";
let token = env.GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN;
const config = {
headers: {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${token}`,
if (!token) {
const element = `
<div class="flex flex-col justify-center">
<a href="">Create a token</a> with "public_repo" enabled.
Then, copy + paste the token above or set <code>GITHUB_REPO_TOKEN</code> inside <code>~/.kenv/.env</code>
token = await env("GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN", {
info: `Create and enter your personal access token`,
choices: element,
const repoTreeQuery = `
query {
repository(owner: "${owner}", name: "${repo}") {
object(expression: "${ref}") {
... on Tree {
entries {
const fetchTreeObjects = async () => {
let response;
try {
response = await post(githubURL,
query: repoTreeQuery
catch (err) {
console.warn("fetchTreeObjects failed:", err);
const graphqlResponse =;
// console.log(repoTreeQuery, graphqlResponse);
const {
data: {
repository: {
object: {
} = graphqlResponse;
return entries
const fetchScript = async (name) => {
const scriptUrl = `${owner}/${repo}/${branch}/${treepath}/${name}`;
// NOTE:${author}/${name} should also work by design
const response = await get(scriptUrl);
// adapted from kit/cli/info.js
const getByMarker = marker => text => {
const exp = new RegExp(`${marker}(.*)`);
const match = text.match(exp)
if (!match) return
return match[1].trim()
const extractMetadata = (text) => {
const mapping = {
menu: 'Menu:',
description: 'Description:',
author: 'Author:',
twitter: 'Twitter:',
return Object.entries(mapping)
.reduce((a, [k,v]) => {
return {...a, [k]: getByMarker(v)(text)}
}, {});
const loadScriptBundle = async (name, oid) => {
const entry = scriptsRef.find({ name });
const cached = entry.value();
if (cached) {
console.log(`Found cached for: ${name}`);
const localOid = cached.oid;
if (localOid === oid) {
console.log(`No remote changes for: ${name}`);
return cached
console.log(`Git object mismatch for: ${name} – local:${localOid} != remote:${oid}`);
console.log(`Fetching remote ${name}`);
const text = await fetchScript(name);
const metadata = extractMetadata(text);
console.log(`Fetched remote ${name} with metadata: ${JSON.stringify(metadata)}`);
const payload = { ...metadata, text, name, oid}
// TODO: should probably remove old files
// TODO: should clean up this function – doing too much
if (cached) {
} else {
return payload
// MARK: currently unused
const injectCustomClass = async () => {
// Load per suggestion on
// Source:
await npm('prismjs/plugins/custom-class/prism-custom-class')
// injects into Prism.plugins (e.g run 'console.log(Object.keys(Prism.plugins))' before + after)
Prism.plugins.customClass.add(({language, type, content}) => {
if (language === 'javascript') {
return 'overflow-scroll';
const buildCodeBlock = (code) => {
const html = Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages.javascript, 'javascript');
return `<div class="h-full p-1 pt-2 pb-2 text-xs w-screen"><pre><code>${html}</code></pre></div>`
const smallTextify = (field) => {
return field ? `<div class="text-xs">${field}</div>` : ''
// NOTE: couldn't trigger the app.on('open-url') and would instead get the app in a bad state ...
// const buildUrl = (name) => `kit://${name.split('.')[0]}?url=https://${repo}/scripts/${author}/${name}`
const buildUrl = (name) => `https://${repo}/scripts/${author}/${name.split('.')[0]}`
const buildCodeModal = (payload) => {
let {name, text: code, description, author, twitter} = payload;
const block = buildCodeBlock(code)
const download = `<a class="group font-mono font-bold inline-flex" href="${buildUrl(name)}">Install</a>`
name = name ? `<div class="text-lg font-mono font-bold">${name.split('.')[0]}</div>` : ''
const row = `<div class="flex w-full justify-between">${name}${download}</div>`
const meta = [row].concat([description, author, twitter].map(smallTextify)).join('\n');
// ideally add some fancier styles like 'box-border border-4 bg-white' here
const metaStyle = "border-bottom: 2px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .025)"
const header = `<div class="h-full p-3" style="${metaStyle}">${meta}</div>`
const style = "border: 2px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .05); overflow: scroll;"
return `<div class="h-full w-full p-1 pb-2 mb-2 " style="${style}">${header}${block}</div>`
const injectCss = (html) => {
// see
// source:
const css = `code[class*=language-],pre[class*=language-]{color:#403f53;font-family:Consolas,Monaco,"Andale Mono","Ubuntu Mono",monospace;text-align:left;white-space:pre;word-spacing:normal;word-break:normal;word-wrap:normal;line-height:1.5;-moz-tab-size:4;-o-tab-size:4;tab-size:4;-webkit-hyphens:none;-moz-hyphens:none;-ms-hyphens:none;hyphens:none}code[class*=language-] ::-moz-selection,code[class*=language-]::-moz-selection,pre[class*=language-] ::-moz-selection,pre[class*=language-]::-moz-selection{text-shadow:none;background:#fbfbfb}code[class*=language-] ::selection,code[class*=language-]::selection,pre[class*=language-] ::selection,pre[class*=language-]::selection{text-shadow:none;background:#fbfbfb}@media print{code[class*=language-],pre[class*=language-]{text-shadow:none}}pre[class*=language-]{padding:1em;margin:.5em 0;overflow:auto}:not(pre)>code[class*=language-],pre[class*=language-]{color:#fff;background:#fbfbfb}:not(pre)>code[class*=language-]{padding:.1em;border-radius:.3em;white-space:normal}.token.cdata,.token.comment,.token.prolog{color:#989fb1;font-style:italic}.token.punctuation{color:#994cc3}.namespace{color:#0c969b}.token.deleted{color:rgba(239,83,80,.56);font-style:italic}.token.keyword,.token.operator,,.token.symbol{color:#0c969b}.token.tag{color:#994cc3}.token.boolean{color:#bc5454}.token.number{color:#aa0982}.language-css .token.string,.style .token.string,.token.builtin,.token.char,.token.constant,.token.entity,.token.string,.token.url{color:#4876d6}.token.doctype,.token.function,.token.selector{color:#994cc3;font-style:italic}.token.attr-name,.token.inserted{color:#4876d6;font-style:italic}.token.atrule,.token.attr-value,.token.class-name{color:#111}.token.important,.token.regex,.token.variable{color:#c96765}.token.bold,.token.important{font-weight:700}.token.italic{font-style:italic}`
const style = `<style type="text/css">${css}</style>`
return `${style}${html}`
const createRegEx = (input = '') => {
input = input.trim().toLowerCase()
let matcher = input
try {
matcher = new RegExp(input)
} catch (err) {
console.warn("Invalid expression", input)
return matcher
const fetchAllFileObjects = async () => {
const entries = await fetchTreeObjects();
const limit = 50; // fake limit
const promises = entries.slice(0,limit).map(({name, oid}) => loadScriptBundle(name, oid));
return await Promise.all(promises);
const buildPage = (fileObjects) => (input) => {
const matcher = createRegEx(input)
const modals = fileObjects
.filter(({name}) => name.match(matcher) !== null)
const results = `<div style="overflow: hidden;">${modals.join('\n')}</div>`
const metaPanel = `<div class="text-xl font-semibold font-mono pb-2">Found ${modals.length} hits</div>`
const html = `<div>${metaPanel}${results}</div>`
const page = injectCss(html)
return page
const buildScriptRxPanel = async () => {
const objects = await fetchAllFileObjects();
await arg({
message: "Search for scripts:",
input: "",
}, buildPage(objects));
await buildScriptRxPanel()