Install reddit

//Shortcut: opt r
* @typedef {typeof import("reddit")} Reddit
First, create a Reddit App.
Click "Create app"
For simple scripts, you can select a type of "script".
You can enter anything in the "about URL" and "redirect URL" fields.
Note your app ID (appears below the app name) and your app secret.
/** @type Reddit */
let Reddit = await npm("reddit")
let envOptions = {
ignoreBlur: true,
hint: md(
`[Create a reddit app](`
secret: true,
let reddit = new Reddit({
username: await env("REDDIT_USERNAME"),
password: await env("REDDIT_PASSWORD"),
appId: await env("REDDIT_APP_ID", envOptions),
appSecret: await env("REDDIT_APP_SECRET", envOptions),
userAgent: `ScriptKit/1.0.0 (`,
let subreddits = [
subreddits.forEach(sub => {
onTab(sub, async () => {
await arg("Select post to open:", async () => {
let best = await reddit.get(`/r/${sub}/hot`)
return{ data }) => {
let {
} = data
let resolutions = preview?.images?.[0]?.resolutions
let previewImage =
resolutions?.[resolutions?.length - 1]?.url
return {
name: title,
description: subreddit_name_prefixed,
value: url,
img: thumbnail,
...(previewImage && {
preview: md(`
### ${title}